12 lessons I live by

From my long search for my purpose in life, my midlife crisis at 30 and my two cycling records, I have learned valuable lessons that I live by today.

Here are 12 of them:

  1. You have to know yourself in order to know what you want.
  2. Laziness is always a bad reason.
  3. It's okay to have a bad phase. That's human. Just make the best of it instead of feeling sorry for yourself.
  4. Keep your morals and values high, no matter what you are offered.
  5. Focus on what you can control and on solutions.
  6. Avoid people who are not good for you.
  7. Go YOUR way, even if it's not the easiest.
  8. Just because things have always been done this way or because everyone does it, doesn't mean it's right.
  9. Always look for quality (rather than quantity), especially with people.
  10. Everything is trainable. Consistency always beats talent.
  11. Don't compare, don't seek revenge and don't harbor bad intentions. That is a waste of time.
  12. Realize every day how damn short life is.

Which of these lessons appeals to you the most?