
Cycling was the easy part of the 124 Swiss Passes Challenge.

Cycling was the easy part of the 124 Swiss Passes Challenge.

And I mean that seriously, because the project involved many aspects that were much more difficult to manage. Training is a clear component - you follow a training plan. But there were challenges for which there was no prescribed plan...

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What real teamwork is

What real teamwork is

Something I rarely share is that I took part in adventure racing between my volleyball and cycling careers.

This sport combines various disciplines, mainly mountain biking, running and kayaking as well as orienteering.

I was part of a team of four.

We waded in at 2am with our bikes on our backs....

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The journey really is the destination

The journey really is the destination

An essential part of success in achieving a goal is ensuring that the journey is enjoyable. Especially with big, long-term goals, this plays a crucial role, because ultimately it's all part of your life.

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Stay motivated when it's not

Stay motivated when it's not

I have registered for the Aletsch half marathon in 2 weeks. 21 km and over 1000 m difference in altitude. A big challenge for me personally, which will push my limits.

Last week was an important training day for this event, but with this rain and cold it would have been easy to cancel it.

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How do I identify my career goal (workshop at the University of Bern)

How do I identify my career goal (workshop at the University of Bern)

A question that deserves a thorough examination of your own motivations, values and strengths, your daily routines and the creation of small changes. This workshop is not a quick fix, but gets to the heart of what really matters: Who are you and what fulfills and motivates you.

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Starting something new - how does it work?

Starting something new - how does it work?

I had a client who had worked as COO in the same company for 30 years.

Then she wanted to start something new.

She felt that she was not reaching her full potential in her role. She was 45 years old, married and had two children. In her entire career, she had only gained experience in this company.

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How do I find my career goal?

How do I find my career goal?

Oh, I've been asking myself this question for 10 years, and it's a question I hear regularly in the first conversation with clients.

While the answer to this question would be too extensive for this newsletter (it is actually part of my online programs), there are some important factors to consider:

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Don't wait for the perfect moment

Don't wait for the perfect moment

One of my clients had just returned from a 2-week vacation in Iceland. He had gone there because he needed some distance from his daily routine.

He had already told me before the trip that he wasn't happy with his current situation,...

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