Starting something new - how does it work?

I had a client who had worked as COO in the same company for 30 years.

Then she wanted to start something new.

She felt that she was not reaching her full potential in her role. She was 45 years old, married and had two children. In her entire career, she had only gained experience in this company. It was a very big step for her to resign as she had family commitments and no experience in the job market.

She came to me with a goal that didn't seem achievable for her.

Although she wanted to, she had serious doubts as to whether she should be pursuing new goals at the age of 45. Isn't it already too late? And wouldn't she disappoint those around her? Within a year, we worked out a plan, especially a mental one, that allowed her to quit her job and pursue her passion.

How did she achieve her success? She worked in mini-steps. Every week she added a small step and after a year, the big step of quitting was just a formality.

Every decision - especially big ones - can take time. But don't wait until "the right time" comes, instead divide this big decision into many small decisions, into mini-steps, and work continuously and with joy so that you can finally make the big decision. Avoid postponing it to an uncertain point in time: "It will certainly be easier in the future." No, it will only be easier if you take action in the here and now and not in the vague future.

My new book "Because success is not what you think it is" is about how to master these steps successfully.