Stay motivated when it's not

I have registered for the Aletsch half marathon in 2 weeks. 21 km and over 1000 m difference in altitude. A big challenge for me personally, which will push my limits.

Last week was an important training day for this event, but with this rain and cold it would have been easy to cancel it.

How can you keep going even when external factors are extremely demotivating?

Here are my three best tips:

  1. Make a plan, the more detailed and concrete, the better. The chances are much higher that you'll stick to it. I had my route for this run a week ago. I knew exactly what to do so I couldn't convince myself to let it go.
  2. Do not accept excuses. Know that there will be many factors trying to stop you. Be prepared so that nothing can stop you. I could have used the excuse of waiting for the rain to stop, but I didn't. If I had waited, I would never have run.
  3. Focus on progress over perfection, especially on days like this. Even with a slow pace you will reach the goal instead of not moving at all.

Motivation depends so much on the attitude you have towards your goal.