6P Success Mindset Model

What is a success mindset?

A success mindset, also referred to as success thinking or success mentality, is a mindset or a specific attitude that helps individuals to be successful and achieve their goals. A success mindset typically encompasses the following characteristics:

Positive Thinking: People with a success mindset tend to think positively and focus on solutions rather than problems. They believe in their ability to overcome obstacles.

Self-Confidence: Self-confidence and self-assurance are crucial elements of a success mindset. This mindset enables people to believe in themselves and leverage their abilities.

Goal Orientation: Successful individuals set clear goals and work hard to achieve them. They have a clear vision for their future.

Determination and Persistence: A success mindset involves the ability to persist and not give up even in the face of setbacks or difficulties.

Openness to Change: Successful individuals are often open to changes and adaptations. They are willing to explore new avenues and learn from their experiences.

Responsibility: A success mindset involves taking responsibility for one's actions and decisions.

Motivation and Enthusiasm: Successful individuals are often highly motivated and have a passion for what they do.

Solution Orientation: They focus on solutions rather than problems and are willing to tackle challenges head-on.

A success mindset is not innate but can be developed and nurtured. The 6P Success Mindset Model provides a concrete, easily applicable structure with its 6 key factors on how to develop this success mindset.

The 6P success mindset model

The 6P Success Mindset Model outlines the key factors to develop a success mindset for increased productivity, motivation, courage, and satisfaction. This mindset also enables the pursuit of seemingly impossible goals successfully.

The self-developed model is the result of overcoming athletic, personal, and professional challenges, failures, as well as achieving seemingly impossible goals, along with conducting over 500 coaching sessions and 200 workshops focused on developing a success mindset.15 years experience

The 6Ps:



Have a strong reason for what you are doing. You must believe in your own mission 200%.



Know and leverage your strengths. Only when you know what they are can you apply them effectively.



Take responsibility, be active, make decisions and shape your own future.



Focus on the big picture and don't get distracted by unimportant things.



Surround yourself with people who believe in you, and don't let the opinions of others sway you.



Create a path that works for you, is fun, achievable and always motivates you.